No registration of a presentation (oral or poster) will be accepted without an abstract. Abstracts failing to adequately fulfill the guidelines listed below may be rejected. Only abstracts actually presented at the meeting will be published in Phytoprotection.
- The presentation must feature a subject related to plant protection.
- The title must be descriptive and reflect the contents of the abstract as a whole.
- The abstract must be intelligible and concisely informative to the reader.
- It must describe precisely the nature of the work and outline the main results and conclusions. Do not write: “such subjects (or results) will be discussed”.
- For formatting, punctuation, and typography, refer to the abstract submission form.
- Abstract title, authors names and addresses, and main text must be typed in a standard font and font size (eg. Times, 12 points).
- The authors’ address must be complete and include the name of the country and the postal code. Street or P.O. Box should be omitted. Saint or Sainte should be written in long form in French.
- The text of the abstract must be a single paragraph. Do not include any references, tables, figures, equations, etc.
- The use of capitals should be restricted to the first letter of titles, sentences, proper names, and some accepted abbreviations.
- The common names of living organisms must be followed by their latin name in brackets upon the first mention in the text. Authors of binomials should be omitted in both title and abstract.
- All measurements should be expressed in IS units (International system).
- Pesticides must be identified by the common name of the active ingredient, and may or may not be followed by their corresponding trade name, in brackets, upon the first mention.
- Pesticide quantities must be expressed in g or Kg of a.i. (active ingredient) and not in volumetric units.
- Abstracts will not be corrected and will be printed as received. All texts must be free of grammatical, spelling, or typing errors.
- Use a word processor such as Microsoft Word. The abstract text (excluding the title, author(s) name(s), and address(es)) must have a maximum of 200 words.
- Abstracts may be presented in English or in French.
- The form containing the abstract and authors information must be completed online.
- The author presenting the paper must be duly registered at the annual meeting.
- The payment ($30) covers publication costs of the abstract in Phytoprotection.
- For a payment by check: please make your check payable to QSPP and mail it to the address below and mention clearly which is your abstract.
Congrès SEQ-SPPQ 2016
a/s Pierre-Antoine Thériault
Ministère de l’Agriculture des Pêcheries et de l’Alimentation du Québec (MAPAQ)
Direction de l’agroenvironnement et du développement durable
200 chemin Sainte-Foy, 10ième étage
Québec (Québec), Canada G1R 4X6
- For online payment with credit card (Visa, Master Card or American express): please select the Credit card (Paypal) option at the bottom of the abstract submission form once the form filled up.
Contact for further information: Benjamin Mimee